local Rayfield =loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UI-Interface/CustomFIeld/main/RayField.lua'))()local Window =Rayfield:CreateWindow({ Name ="Arrayfield Example Window", LoadingTitle ="Arrayfield Interface Suite", LoadingSubtitle ="by Arrays", ConfigurationSaving = { Enabled =true, FolderName =nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game FileName ="Arrayfield" }, Discord = { Enabled =false, Invite ="sirius", -- The Discord invite code, do not include discord.gg/ RememberJoins =true-- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up }, KeySystem =true, -- Set this to true to use our key system KeySettings = { Title ="Arrayfield", Subtitle ="Key System", Note ="Join the discord (discord.gg/sirius)", FileName ="SiriusKey", SaveKey =false, GrabKeyFromSite =false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from Key ="Hello" }})local Tab =Window:CreateTab("Tab Example", 4483362458) -- Title, Imagelocal Tab2 =Window:CreateTab("Tab Example 2") -- Title, Imagelocal Section =Tab:CreateSection("Section Example",false) -- The 2nd argument is to tell if its only a Title and doesnt contain elementlocal Button =Tab:CreateButton({ Name ="Button Example", Info ="Button info/Description.", -- Speaks for itself, Remove if none. Interact ='Changable', Callback =function()print('Pressed')end,})local Toggle =Tab:CreateToggle({ Name ="Toggle Example", Info ="Toggle info/Description.", -- Speaks for itself, Remove if none. CurrentValue =false, Flag ="Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end,})local ColorPicker =Tab:CreateColorPicker({ Name ="Color Picker", Info ='info or description', Color = Color3.fromRGB(2,255,255), Flag ="ColorPicker1", Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end})local Slider =Tab:CreateSlider({ Name ="Slider Example", Info ="Button info/Description.", Range = {0, 100}, Increment =10, Suffix ="Bananas", CurrentValue =10, Flag ="Slider1", Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end,})local Section2 =Tab:CreateSection("Inputs Examples",true)Tab:CreateInput({ Name ="Numbers Only", Info ="Input info/Description.", PlaceholderText ="Amount", NumbersOnly =true, OnEnter =true, RemoveTextAfterFocusLost =true, Callback =function(Text)print(Text)end,})Tab:CreateInput({ Name ="11 Characters Limit", Info ="Input info/Description.", PlaceholderText ="Text", CharacterLimit =15, RemoveTextAfterFocusLost =true, Callback =function(Text)print(Text)end,})Tab:CreateInput({ Name ="No RemoveTextAfterFocusLost", Info ="Input info/Description.", PlaceholderText ="Input", RemoveTextAfterFocusLost =false, Callback =function(Text)print(Text)end,})local Section3=Tab:CreateSection("Dropdown Examples",true)local MultiSelectionDropdown =Tab:CreateDropdown({ Name ="Multi Selection", Options = {"Option 1","Option 2",'Option 3'}, CurrentOption = {"Option 1","Option 3"} , MultiSelection =true, Flag ="Dropdown1", Callback =function(Option)print(Option)end,})local SingleSelection =Tab:CreateDropdown({ Name ="Single Selection", Options = {"Option 1","Option 2"}, CurrentOption ="Option 1", MultiSelection =false, Flag ="Dropdown2", Callback =function(Option)print(Option)end,})local Label =Tab:CreateLabel("Thanks for using Arrayfield, there were alot of issues but here we are!",Section)local Paragraph =Tab:CreateParagraph({Title ="Paragraph Example", Content ="Paragraph Example"},Section)local Sets =Tab:CreateSection('Set Functions',false)local SButtonSButton =Tab:CreateButton({ Name ="Button Example", Interact ='Interact', SectionParent = Sets, Callback =function()SButton:Set(nil,'New Interaction')end})Tab:CreateButton({ Name ="Dropdown Set", Interact ='Interact', SectionParent = Sets, Callback =function()SingleSelection:Set('Option 1')end})local LockTesting =Tab:CreateSection('Lockdown Section',false)local ToLock = {}Tab:CreateToggle({ Name ="Lockdown", SectionParent = LockTesting, Info ="Toggle info/Description.", -- Speaks for itself, Remove if none. CurrentValue =false, Callback =function(Value)if Value thenfor _,v in ToLock dov:Lock('Locked')endelsefor _,v in ToLock dov:Unlock('Locked')endendend,}) ToLock.Button=Tab:CreateButton({ SectionParent = LockTesting, Name ="Button Example", Info ="Button info/Description.", -- Speaks for itself, Remove if none. Interact ='Interact', Callback =function()print('Pressed')end,})ToLock.Toggle=Tab:CreateToggle({ SectionParent = LockTesting, Name ="Toggle Example", Info ="Toggle info/Description.", -- Speaks for itself, Remove if none. CurrentValue =false, Flag ="Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end,})ToLock.ColorPicker=Tab:CreateColorPicker({ Name ="Color Picker", Info ='info or description', SectionParent = LockTesting, Color = Color3.fromRGB(2,255,255), Flag ="ColorPicker1", Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end})ToLock.Slider=Tab:CreateSlider({ SectionParent = LockTesting, Name ="Slider Example", Info ="Button info/Description.", Range = {0, 100}, Increment =10, Suffix ="Bananas", CurrentValue =10, Flag ="Slider1", Callback =function(Value)print(Value)end,})